Why you need physical therapy for neck pain treatment

neck pain treatment

It’s easy to take your neck for granted when it’s not in pain. However, if you are experiencing chronic neck pain, you know the difficulties it causes for completing even the simplest of tasks. When you’re experiencing neck pain, you should visit a physical therapist for neck pain treatment.

There are a variety of treatments for neck pain, but many people choose to visit a physical therapist for treatment because it simultaneously helps reduce pain and improve range of motion. Furthermore, physical therapy can reduce your dependency on medication and lower your chances of needing surgery.

When should you seek a physical therapist for neck pain?

Experiencing short-term cases of neck pain is common. For example, if you sleep on your neck in an awkward position, it may be a little stiff and sore in the morning. However, if you experience long-term neck pain or any of the following, you should seek professional medical assistance:

  • Difficulty looking up or over your shoulder
  • Pain in the shoulders and upper back
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of strength in arms

Typically neck pain is described as stabbing or sharp, but it can also be a dull, achy pain. If you’ve been having this kind of pain for a long time, it’s important to seek treatment.

Ignoring neck pain can lead to more difficulties and increased headaches and discomfort. Additionally, your neck pain may be a symptom of another serious condition, such as a slipped disk or arthritis.

What should you expect from neck pain treatment?

Our objective at Whatcom Physical Therapy is to provide personalized treatment to help you reduce pain and help improve your quality of life. Depending on the severity of your condition, your health and lifestyle, and your recovery goals, treatment will vary.

Typically, the goal of treatment is to strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the painful area. To achieve this, your treatment plan may include some of the following:

  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Gentle stretches
  • Hands-on joint mobilization
  • Hands-on soft tissue mobilization
  • Posture education

Visit Whatcom Physical Therapy for neck pain treatment

Is neck pain limiting the use of your neck and making your daily life more difficult? Our team is here to help. We can examine the condition of your neck and develop a personalized treatment to address your specific needs. Would you like to speak with a physical therapist at Whatcom to see what we can do for your neck pain? Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.