What are the symptoms of a herniated disc in the neck?

Herniated Disc in Neck

Did you know that there are thin, flat, fluid-filled discs in your spine between each of the vertebrae? These discs play a very important role in cushioning the vertebrae from impact and friction. Unfortunately, these discs are vulnerable to harm that can cause pain and other issues. One condition that frequently affects the discs in your neck and spine is a herniated disc.

A herniated disc is a disc whose fluid has burst from the shell. When this fluid bursts out, the disc is less supportive for its surrounding vertebrae. Additionally, the fluid that has burst out needs somewhere to go, so it tends to fill up empty space in your spinal canal, which puts pressure on your spinal cord.

When this happens in your neck, it can be painful and cause other issues in your neck, head, shoulders, arms and even your legs. That’s why it’s so important for you to find treatment for a herniated disc if you have one.

Symptoms of a herniated disc in the neck

So, how do you know when you need treatment? A herniated disc has some telltale symptoms that make it easy to identify. If you have any of the following symptoms, please visit a doctor for diagnosis and a treatment recommendation:

  • Pain along the spine in your neck
  • Pain that stems from the neck into your shoulders and arms
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Weakness in your neck, shoulders or arms

In addition to these symptoms, more serious symptoms can develop if the herniated disc is putting extra pressure on your spinal cord, including:

  • Loss of coordination
  • Tingling that runs throughout your body and into your legs
  • Difficulty using your arms and hands

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, you should contact a doctor for an examination. Your doctor should be able to identify the cause of your symptoms and confirm whether it’s a herniated disc or something else. 

If a herniated disc is the source of your symptoms, your doctor may then recommend visiting a physical therapist for treatment.

Physical therapy for herniated disc in the neck treatment

At Whatcom Physical Therapy, our team is highly trained and experienced in a variety of techniques for treating a herniated disc in your neck. If you have a herniated disc in your neck, we can help you recover without using invasive or side effect-inducing methods. Contact our team today for more information about a herniated disc in the neck or to schedule an initial appointment.