Two causes of ankle pain when walking but no swelling

Ankle Pain When Walking but No Swelling

Ankles aren’t a joint that many people think about too often. At least, they don’t think about them until they injure them. When injured, this joint can become a literal and metaphorical pain. Ankle injuries can make routine tasks like walking painful and more difficult to do, and they can also keep you from playing your favorite recreational sports. Many ankle injuries tend to cause both pain and swelling. However, there are two injuries that can lead to ankle pain when walking but not cause swelling. 

  1. Low-grade ankle sprain


A low-grade ankle sprain is one injury that can cause ankle pain when you’re walking and not lead to any swelling. Sprains involve structures in your ankle called ligaments. There are several of these stretchy bands of collagen fibers in the ankle, and their job is to support and position the bones of your ankle and foot. 

Severe ankle sprains can actually mean ligaments have been partially or completely torn. However, a low-grade sprain typically means the ligaments have been overstretched, and this overstretching can lead to pain when walking but is less likely to cause swelling. Even if there is swelling, it might be so minor that you don’t recognize that it’s there. Yet, you might notice other symptoms with a low-grade ankle sprain, such as tenderness, bruising and stiffness.

  1. Achilles tendinitis


Another injury that can lead to ankle pain when walking and no swelling is Achilles tendinitis. This injury is one that affects the Achilles tendon. If you were able to look under the skin of your lower leg, you’d find this tendon, and you’d see how it connects your calf muscle to your heel. This tendon allows you to perform movements like jumping, standing on your tiptoes and walking. But repetitive movements of the Achilles tendon can cause it to become overstretched or damaged. With mild cases of this injury, you might feel pain at the back of your ankle when walking, but there might be little or no swelling. 

Get help for your ankle pain at Whatcom Physical Therapy

Is your ankle causing you pain when you walk but it isn’t swollen? Whatcom Physical Therapy can help you treat injuries that lead to these symptoms. Our team offers free screenings to help pinpoint the root cause of your symptoms. Also, we construct personalized therapy plans for every patient we treat, and these plans can offer many benefits thanks to therapy techniques like: 

Don’t wait to start getting our help with your ankle issue. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.Â