Which stretches are beneficial for hip arthritis patients?

Stretches for Hip Arthritis

A better lubricated hip joint. Improved joint flexibility and range of motion, and a greater ability to walk and do other normal activities. What are all these things? They’re all benefits that you can get by doing stretches for your hip arthritis. 

Hip arthritis is one of the most common types of osteoarthritis. Arthritis specialists estimate that adults have a 25% chance of developing hip arthritis in their lifetime. This condition can make it painful to sit, stand and walk around, and it can affect your ability to do activities with your family and friends. 

Physical therapists can help you find effective treatment options for hip arthritis symptoms. Therapeutic stretching exercises are one treatment option that your physical therapist may recommend, and some of the stretches your therapist may prescribe for hip arthritis include: 

  1. Supine hamstring stretch

Purpose: This stretch for hip arthritis patients can help increase flexibility in your hamstrings. 

How to do the supine hamstring stretch:

  • Lie down on your back on the floor. You can reduce lower back discomfort by placing a rolled-up bath towel under your lower back. 
  • Stretch both legs straight out in front of you. 
  • Keeping your affected leg straight, lift it upward until you can wrap your hands around your thigh. 
  • Gently pull your leg toward your chest until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. 
  • Hold this stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. 
  • Switch legs and repeat the stretch on your opposite leg.
  • Continue to alternate between your legs until you’ve stretched each one three to four times. 
  1. Supine hip rotator stretch

Purpose: This stretch for hip arthritis is intended to improve hip rotator flexibility and increase hip range of motion (ROM).

How to do the supine hip rotator stretch:

  • Lie down flat on your back. 
  • Bend your knees slightly so that your feet are flat on the floor.  
  • Cross the ankle of your affected leg over your other leg. 
  • Use your hand to push your affected knee inward until you feel a stretch in your hip and butt. 
  • Hold this stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. 
  • Switch legs and stretch your other hip. 
  • Repeat the stretch on both legs until you’ve completed three to four repetitions on each one. 
  1. Knee-to-chest stretch

Purpose: This stretch for hip arthritis can ease tension and improve flexibility in your hips, buttocks and lower back. 

How to do the knee-to-chest stretch:

  • Lie down on the floor so that you’re facing the ceiling. 
  • Place your feet flat on the floor so that your knees are slightly bent.
  • Wrap your hands around the back of your affected thigh. 
  • Slowly pull your knee toward your chest until you feel a stretch in your butt, hip and lower back. 
  • Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. 
  • Slowly lower your affected leg back to the floor. 
  • Repeat the stretch on your opposite leg. 
  • Continue to repeat the stretch until you’ve stretched both legs three to four times. 

Find stretches and other treatment options for hip arthritis at Whatcom PT

Keen to find the most effective treatment for your hip arthritis? That’s exactly what our Whatcom Physical Therapy team is eager to help you find. We can start by doing a free screening to learn which hip arthritis symptoms you have. Then, our physical therapists can develop a customized physical therapy plan for you that can contain stretches for hip arthritis and other techniques. Some other techniques we may include in your therapy plan are: 

Contact our team today for more information about our hip arthritis treatment options or to schedule an initial appointment to begin tackling your hip arthritis symptoms.Â